Multi-Lateral Approach to Emotional Intelligence Training & Coaching
The coaching profession has grown dramatically over the past decade and it’s only getting started. The coaching profession is now picking up moment in the market and, is far from being saturated. With more and more individuals and business owners experiencing the benefits of professional coaching the word is out, EQ coaching really works!
Whether it's working with individuals, teams or organisations, using the multi-lateral approach to emotional intelligence; which incorporates emotional and cultural intelligence along with emotional resilience, enabling the practices and principles to be woven into coaching, training and workshops, opening up progressive dialogue and discussions in the sessions.
A Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach© uses the principles of emotional intelligence to help people identify goals in their personal and professional lives and take action. By asking the right questions, they determine their goals and help their client make a plan to achieve them. In short, coaching helps individuals and companies focus on what matters most in life and business.
Coaching begins with an assessment
An assessment provides objective information that can enhance self-awareness, as well as awareness of others and their circumstances; provide a benchmark for creating coaching goals and actionable strategies; and offer a method for evaluating progress. You will be trained using the EQ-I 2.0.
Why Use EQ-i 2.0/EQ 360?
The EQ-i 2.0® (developed by Reuven BarOn, Ph.D) has been used by over one million individuals worldwide making the EQ-i 2.0® the first scientifically developed and validated measure of emotional intelligence. It measures one’s ability to deal with daily environmental pressures and demands. A growing body of research also suggests that emotional intelligence is a better predictor of success in life than cognitive intelligence (IQ)
While we do not promote “one size fits all” we do believe that the foundation of all coaching is emotional intelligence. By helping your clients explore the options in their lives, you can challenge them to go beyond their comfort zone.
Make a difference every day - professional coaches make a difference in their communities and in the world by transforming lives, one client at a time. As a coach you will naturally accelerates your personal and professional development. As a Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach, you help remove roadblocks such as fear, procrastination, perfectionism, and through subsequent sessions. You hold your clients accountable for remaining on the path to success.
The versatility of the programme, enables individuals from all disciplines to gain the knowledge and confidence whilst training, to weave the concept into their own specialisms which may include elements such as:
Employee Engagement & Productivity - Use the EQ-i 2.0 to identify employee strengths and challenges that have been shown to drive employee engagement.
Selection - Learn why just administering the EQ-i 2.0 is not enough and how to use the EQ-i 2.0 as part of a comprehensive selection process.
Leadership Development - Studies show that high-performing leaders tend to have higher Emotional Intelligence than their peers. Learn what this really means and how an organisation can help its leaders excel.
Sales Training - Research shows that sales people with higher EI tend to outperform their peers. Learn how to use EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 to create quality sales training with clear ROI
Coaching - Learn how to create a coaching plan based on EQ-i 2.0 results, using feedback, development and a customised Action Plan.
Education - Research shows that EQ-i 2.0 can predict student success. Review case studies and hear examples of how EQ-i 2.0 can be used as a development and feedback tool to help students succeed.